**Dear Chipotle Headquarters, **
I hope you enjoyed my Lego drawing as much as I enjoyed drawing it!
Yesterday I underwent a perspective changing experience. Let me explain.
Usually a Thursday bring a distinct upbeat mood with the weekend around the corner and most of the week under your belt. However, this Thursday was different. I arrived at work in a good mood but the inevitable pressure put on me by THE MAN to perform my daily duties, being a cog in the wheel and all, was just too much. My mental wellbeing quickly went from stable to on par with Britney Spears during her meltdown. That is a story for another day so I will shave it for later. Anyways, feeling under duress, I made the decision to add Chipotle to my itinerary. With some easy persuasion, my friend agreed to accompany me.
Fast forward. The time is 12:14 pm and I just took my first bite of my sexy burrito. Yes, that’s right – SEXY. Game. Set. Match. My attention was only on devouring this masterpiece of a burrito. Everything else was noise. Plain and simple.
Four minutes later. My face smeared with guacamole from the impact of the burrito crashing into my face. Fully satisfied, I loosen my belt giving my burrito belly more room. All is well in the Steven Kingdom at this point.
Upon returning to work, my enthusiasm was been restored and my effectivity doubled.
Compliments to the Bellevue Chipotle on NE 4th street for improving my day!
Talk to you next week :)
Steven A. deCsesznak